Version 3 has now been finalised by the BISFed Rules Committee. All changes have been clearly marked in red to ensure the changes can be identified quickly.
After announcing our new competition rules at the end of January we have now received our first translation curtesy of Andrea Zamora and Teresa Calverol. The pair have provided the Spanish translation and are currently working on a Catalan…
The BISFed Rules Committee is pleased to publish the updated BISFed International Boccia Rules (2017 v1) for immediate use. Following wide consultation with Members during 2016, the Committee has undertaken an extensive review of the Rules.

The BISFed Classification rules have been updated by the BISFed Classification Committee. The new rules will take effect from the first event of 2017. Members with comments should email them to [email protected] no later than Friday 27th January.
The rules committee has been working long and hard sifting through the proposals and responses from our members. We specifically considered FAIRNESS and EQUALITY when making these decisions.
After many hours and much debating we have our first draft of…
Time is running out to make your comments regarding the rule change proposals. I have inserted comments in some of the threads on Facebook to generate more feedback. To make Boccia be the best it can be for all…
The final requests have now been posted on Facebook. We're delighted with the feedback that we have received and want to thank everyone that has taken part. It isn't too late to have your say! We're giving the boccia…
Its day 7! More requests will be going up over the weekend on social media. Keep your comments coming!
We are half way through the rule change requests that have been sent through to our rules committee. We are delighted with the feedback that we have had so far and want everyone to feel that they can contribute towards…
Today the requests look at alterations to penalty balls. Take a look, remember to follow the instructions on the attached document to ensure your opinions are heard by the committee! Better still, follow BISFed on Facebook and join the…